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Front page » The most common mistakes when cleaning our home and how to avoid them

The most common mistakes when cleaning our home and how to avoid them

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When it comes to cleaning tasks in our home, it is easy to fall into common mistakes that can affect the effectiveness of our efforts. To achieve more effective cleaning and save time, it is important to avoid these mistakes. Below, we present the most common mistakes when cleaning and how to avoid them:

  1. Not using appropriate products: One of the most common mistakes is not using the appropriate cleaning products for each surface. It is important to read product labels and make sure they are safe and appropriate for the material being cleaned. Using the wrong product can damage surfaces and reduce cleaning effectiveness.

Tip: Do your research and choose the right cleaning products for each area of your home.
Use gentle products for delicate surfaces and specific products for areas such as bathrooms and kitchens.

  1. Not giving cleaning products enough time: Another common mistake is not giving cleaning products enough time to work. Many products require sitting time to effectively dissolve dirt and stains.

Tip: Follow the instructions for use of the products and allow them to act for the recommended time before cleaning or rubbing the surface.
This will allow for more effective cleaning and reduce the need for additional effort.

  1. Dry Clean Before Wet Cleaning: Many people make the mistake of trying to clean dry surfaces before wetting them. This can spread the dirt and make it more difficult to remove it completely.

Tip: Always wet surfaces before cleaning. This will help loosen the dirt and make it easier to remove.
Use a cloth or sponge slightly dampened with water or the appropriate cleaning product.

  1. Not cleaning cleaning utensils regularly: Cleaning utensils, such as sponges, cloths and brushes, can accumulate dirt and bacteria if they are not cleaned regularly. If you use them without cleaning them properly, you can spread dirt instead of removing it.

Tip: Wash cleaning utensils after each use and let them dry completely. If possible, disinfect utensils regularly by soaking them in a solution of hot water and bleach or using specific disinfectant products.

  1. Forgetting to clean hidden areas: Many times we focus on visible areas and forget to clean hidden areas, such as behind furniture, under rugs, or in hard-to-reach corners. This can lead to the accumulation of dust and dirt in those places.